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IOP signs new OA agreements with Dutch universities

Researchers from four institutions in the Netherlands will soon benefit from unlimited open access publishing in IOP Publishing (IOPP) journals, thanks to a series of recently agreed ‘read and publish’ agreements.

IOP signs new OA agreements with Dutch universities
Gulia Trentacosti: “This deal with IOP Publishing is a step forward in our ambition to reach 100 per cent open access.”

IOPP, a pioneer in open access physics publishing, has secured the agreements with the University of Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the University of Groningen and University of Twente.

The agreements enable authors from the institutions to publish open access in 42 of IOPP’s journals, with no barriers and no article publication charges (APCs) for qualified articles at the point of publication. Articles will be published under an open licence (CC-BY), which allows authors to retain copyright.

IOPP already has a number of similar agreements in place, with further contracts to be announced soon. Most recently, IOPP worked with Jisc to secure a transformative agreement for the benefit of UK universities.

Steven Hall, Managing Director at IOP Publishing, said: “We have more than 20 years’ experience in open access publishing and, through a number of different approaches, have been very successful in accelerating its adoption.

“Transformative agreements have proven to be key to this growth. For example, in Austria, Norway and Sweden, where we have implemented similar licences, we are now publishing close to 100 per cent of eligible articles on an open access basis. With more agreements such as this in the pipeline, we’re increasing the demand for open access publishing by removing any constraints and making the process as simple as possible.”

Marcel Ottenbros, Head of Acquisition at the University of Amsterdam said: “Together with IOP Publishing we came to an agreement that enables our researchers to publish their work open access at no additional cost, and helps us to realise the joint 100 per cent open access ambition of the Dutch Universities”

Just de Leeuwe, Publishing Advisor at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) Library said: “Transformative agreements are part of TU Delft's Open Science commitments. Working with IOP Publishing to secure this deal helps us achieve our ambition to have more research published on an open access basis.”

Gulia Trentacosti, Open Access Officer at the University of Groningen said: “This deal with IOP Publishing is a step forward in our ambition to reach 100 per cent open access. Transformative deals like this one are a key part of our strategy to achieve this ambition. We are confident our researchers will greatly appreciate the opportunity to disseminate their research results open access at no extra cost.”

Nicole Loorbach, Specialist Open Access at the University of Twente (UT): “We are pleased that UT authors can now publish open access at no additional cost in 42 IOP Publishing journals. This agreement is a welcome push on our way towards 100% open access.”