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iPhone 4s will be biggest yet, says TechRadar

There was surprise this week as Apple revealed an upgraded iPhone 4S rather than the rumoured iPhone 5, but it did little to dampen enthusiasm for the biggest tech launch of the year.

Traffic data from the technology website TechRadar indicates overwhelming interest from the general public, not just technology enthusiasts, suggesting this will be the most successful iPhone yet.

Patrick Goss, Editor of TechRadar says: “Events don’t get much bigger than an iPhone launch and we pulled out all the stops to cover it. We wanted to be everyone’s first destination for iPhone news, and with features like our live coverage of the Apple launch event we succeeded in our aims.”

TechRadar had a record day of traffic, with more than 350,000 UK unique and 785,000 global unique users – three times normal levels - coming to the site.

The influx was driven by massive interest in the new iPhone, with people desperate to find out about its new features, including futuristic voice control feature Assistant and much laded A5 processor.

TechRadar’s rolling iPhone coverage, including news, videos, analysis and a hands-on review of the new handset, generated 500,000 UK page views between them alone, almost half the UK site’s total for the day.

Nick Merritt, Publisher of TechRadar says: “Not only do our numbers reveal the phenomenal interest around the new iPhone, but they underline TechRadar’s role as the UK’s favourite destination for consumer tech coverage.”

TechRadar claims to be the UK’s biggest consumer tech website. In June this year, it scooped a Highly Commended in the Consumer Website category at the prestigious AOP Awards 2011.