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IPSO announces new appointments

The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) yesterday announced new appointments to its Complaints Committee and Appointments Panel.

IPSO announces new appointments
Allan Rennie: “Championing freedom of expression while protecting the public from harm are not mutually exclusive.”

The Complaints Committee is the lay majority panel which judges complaints relating to potential breaches of the Editors’ Code and decides on sanctions.

Tristan Davies joins the Committee as an editorial member. He has worked at national newspapers for 35 years and is the former Editor of the Independent on Sunday, Executive Editor of the Sunday Times, Deputy Editor of the Mail on Sunday and Editorial Director of Mail+. He now works as a print and digital media consultant.

Tristan said: “I am delighted to be joining IPSO’s Complaints Committee at a time when the need for a free, vibrant and responsible press has never been greater.”

Allan Rennie joins as an editorial member for Scottish publications. He is an Honorary Professor of Journalism at the University of Stirling, Non-Executive Director of NHS Forth Valley and a member of the Scottish Government’s short-life working group on public interest journalism. In a 30-year career in local and national newspapers, he edited the Clydebank Post, Daily Record, Sunday Mail, served as Editorial Development Director of Trinity Mirror Nationals and was managing director of Media Scotland.

Allan said: “Having worked inside and outside the industry, I hope I can use my experience to further advance IPSO’s reputation as an independent, accessible and fair regulator. Championing freedom of expression while protecting the public from harm are not mutually exclusive. And both are key to a functioning democracy.”

Chairman of IPSO, Lord Edward Faulks QC, said: “I extend my thanks to Peter Wright and Janette Harkness who are departing the Complaints Committee following the end of their terms, and welcome both Allan and Tristan. Their wealth of experience will bring distinct and valuable perspectives to IPSO’s work and support robust, independent press regulation.”

Appointments to Appointments Panel

The Appointments Panel is responsible for appointing IPSO’s Chairman and Board as well as the lay members of the Editors’ Code of Practice Committee and plays an essential role in securing IPSO’s independence.

Victor Olowe is a governance consultant and former Chief Executive of the Council for Licensed Conveyancers with expertise in professional regulation, consumer protection, risk management and governance issues. He also serves as Non-Executive Director/Member in a number of organisations including Chair of the CGMA Examination Board at CIMA/AICPA and Chair of the IFoA’s Quality Assurance Scheme Sub-Committee.

He said: “I am delighted to join IPSO’s Appointment Panel, and I look forward to working with colleagues to make the right appointments to help IPSO deliver effective press regulation.”

Catherine Steele is Vodafone’s Group Director of Corporate Communications. She brings more than 25 years of global and country experience building and leading teams in communications, public policy, politics and government relations. Prior to joining Vodafone, Catherine held senior communications global and country roles in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry with Roche, Novartis, and Biogen.

She said: “I am pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to the important role of IPSO in supporting an independently regulated press."

Lord Edward Faulks said: “I welcome both Catherine and Victor to the Appointments Panel. They, along with the rest of the Panel, will play an important role in ensuring IPSO’s independence and supporting robust and effective press regulation.”

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