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IPSO appoints two new board members

The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) has announced two appointments to its Board, one lay member and one industry member who has recent senior experience at a publisher in the magazine sector.

Claire Singers has 30 years of experience as a public relations consultant. She was Managing Director and joint owner of LD Communications. Claire has worked with some of the biggest artists in the world, including Pink Floyd and The Rolling Stones, as well as being involved in events such as Live 8 and Live Earth.

Mike Soutar is a magazine professional with more than thirty years’ experience in the sector, including as Chief Executive and co-founder of Shortlist Media Limited.

Ms Singers and Mr Soutar were appointed by the independent IPSO Appointments Panel, chaired by Sir Hayden Phillips. Claire replaces Richard Reed and Mike succeeds Kevin Hand. They will join the Board from the beginning of December, says the organisation.

IPSO Chairman, Sir Alan Moses, said: “I am delighted to welcome Claire Singers and Mike Soutar to the IPSO Board. A regulator needs an effective Board to advise, prompt and oversee and in Claire and Mike we have two excellent appointments who will further strengthen our organisation.

“Claire’s understanding and knowledge of public relations and the media will serve the Board extremely well and Mike’s expertise and familiarity with the magazine sector is crucial as IPSO enters its third year of operation.

Sir Alan concluded: “I would like to put on record my thanks to Richard Reed and the late Kevin Hand for their important contribution to the first two years of IPSO. Richard’s experience in creating a world class company was invaluable to the Board as we set up our structures while Kevin provided wise counsel and guidance that we continue to miss following his untimely passing.”

Claire Singers said: “I love news, I love newspapers and having worked in public relations since the 80’s, am an avid consumer of both. I’m looking forward to joining the IPSO Board and playing a part in the independent and rigorous regulation of the UK press.”

Mike Soutar said: “I’ve witnessed a lot of changes in the UK magazine sector over the course of my career but there has been one constant throughout – that robust self-regulation is key to its continuing success. I’m looking forward to playing a role in that regulation as an IPSO Board member.”