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IPSO arbitration scheme launches

IPSO’s compulsory arbitration scheme launched yesterday.

IPSO arbitration scheme launches

Anyone who has a valid legal claim against a newspaper taking part in the scheme can now make it through the IPSO scheme for a maximum fee of £100, and the newspaper has no choice but to arbitrate.

The scheme encompasses the seven best-selling national daily newspapers and eight best-selling Sunday newspapers and will cover claims including libel, invasion of privacy, data protection and harassment.

The new scheme will also include a higher level of damages: claimants can now be awarded up to £60,000, including aggravated damages.

Chief Executive Matt Tee said: “The compulsory arbitration scheme covers the biggest national newspaper titles in the UK and is a low-cost means of people who have been wronged by a newspaper getting compensation without the expense of court and legal fees.”

The full list of newspapers covered is: Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Weekly Telegraph, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, Metro, Times, Sunday Times, The Sun, The Sun on Sunday, Daily Express, Sunday Express, Daily Star, Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror, and Sunday People. The Press Association and Conde Nast remain members of the voluntary scheme.