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‘It’s time to get real’ urges Newsworks’ new ad campaign

By using powerful images from news scenes around the world, the campaign highlights the authenticity of real news stories and newsbrands’ role in conveying complexity and emotion.

Juxtaposing stark photographs with two-dimensional emoji translations, the ads depict the drama and texture of breaking news, bringing home the role that newsbrands play in discovering, capturing and telling real stories, says Newsworks.

“This campaign challenges people to reframe how they think about newsbrands today” says Newsworks’ CEO Vanessa Clifford. “From political upheaval, to war zones, to terrorist atrocities, the current news landscape needs newsbrands to delve into the details behind the headlines and make sense of the complexity. At their heart, newspapers have always been great storytellers. Their journalists have the ability to convey the humanity and emotion and provide the analysis we need to get the full-picture.”

Launched on Sunday in national newsbrand titles, the multi-platform ads went live across out of home sites yesterday. The campaign has been created by advertising agency Gravity Road. Its founder, Mark Boyd said: "This was an important brief at a key moment. To be able to understand what is happening around a headline, to trust what you’re reading and who is writing it just gets harder and harder. But it should be important to readers as well as advertisers. In that context, this work seeks to highlight the value of newspaper brands today.”

The first ad to run across publishers’ platforms contrasts a news feed tab on one side with a picture from a rally in Venezuela bearing the line ‘News freed – Real news. Real understanding. Real life’ on the other. Another juxtaposes a moving image of relatives reunited with a heart emoji. All of the ads feature the line ‘Newspaper brands provide a context you can trust. Be part of it’.