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Jerry Wright voted President of IFABC

Jerry Wright, chief executive of ABC in the UK has been appointed as the next global President of the International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulations (IFABC), an elected position he will hold for the next two years.

As President, Wright’s role will be to continue to raise the profile of ABCs across the world and support the IFABC’s work in promoting the importance of developing cross-industry measurement standards, in conjunction with other global industry organisations. Richard Foan, managing director of ABCe also chairs the IFABC web standards group.

Wright’s appointment was made during the IFABC’s 24th annual general assembly in Korea from 11-13 October, where delegates representing the 36 member countries including the UK, Spain, United States, India, Brazil and Australia voted on the IFABC Executive Board and Presidency.

Jerry Wright (pictured), chief executive, ABC comments, “It’s an honour to be elected as the global President of the IFABC. Auditing and measurement of both print and digital media is going through a period of intense change as technology such as tablets opens up opportunities for media owners and advertisers. I am looking forward to setting a clear agenda to take the IFABC forwards and help bureaux around the world to share knowledge and best practice.”

About the IFABC

The ABC says: “The IFABC exists as a voluntary federation of industry-sponsored organisations that have been established in nations throughout the world and which have a common commitment to the accurate and transparent reporting of comparable print and new media performance data.

Its aim is to work with national and international organisations in any way that constructively supports the work of its members. The Federation seeks to encourage and facilitate the exchange of experience and best practice between member organisations and is committed to working towards a greater standardisation and uniformity in the reporting of circulations and other data.

The IFABC was founded in 1963 and encompasses 36 bureaux in over 40 countries.

The IFABC actively encourages the establishment of an audit bureau of circulations in countries where currently such a bureau does not exist.”