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Jewish Chronicle migrates onto ADvance

Jewish Chronicle (JC), has completed the move of their weekly newspaper onto Abacus e-Media’s ADvance platform with social sign on integration.

The online registration and subscription process is powered by ADvance, Abacus e-Media’s cloud-based audience engagement platform. The platform gives JC the ability to capture detailed demographic information about their audience which can be used for segmentation to deliver an engaging and personalised user experience. This includes highly targeted content, advertising and marketing messages via the web and email to the right part of their audience at the right time. JC will also be using ADvance for print subscriptions fulfilment and customer service management.

The project involved two distinct elements in order to help JC drive revenue opportunities and improve audience engagement, and make it easier to sell a wider range of products and service, says Abacus e-Media.

The first was the development of a Classifieds function to help support the purchasing and placement of advertising and announcements. Utilising the e-commerce functionality, the platform manages the purchasing and booking of one-off advertisements, classified listings and announcements. The platform also supports specific variable pricing, which includes permitting the maximum free word allowance before specific pricing levels kick in by the increasing number of words in the ad.

The second development involved integration with Janrain to drive registrations and access control through social media accounts. Users can now utilise their social network profiles to populate the JC registration process and use to authenticate access to the website. With the user’s permission, data can be shared from the social network profile to their JC record, which can be used to help drive a more personalised and engaging online experience.