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JIG to disband

At its meeting on 23 February the Board of the Joint Industry Group (JIG) resolved to disband JIG from 31 March.

The decision follows the resignations of the British Retail Consortium and National Federation of Retail Newsagents. It is anticipated that proposals for a new self regulatory body to oversee newspaper and magazine distribution can be agreed by 1 April, and that such proposals will allow for wider representation and support than can be achieved under the current JIG constitution.

Over recent months the newspaper and magazine industry's Joint Industry Group has been considering how to create a more effective process for industry self regulation. Outline proposals have included the formulation of a revised Industry Code supported by a newly constituted self regulatory body. Good progress has been made and it is hoped that the new arrangements can be implemented in a seamless manner. In light of the recent resignations the Board concluded that a clear date needed to be set for the dissolution of JIG. The Board encourages all interested parties to engage in constructive dialogue over the scope and make up of the new arrangements.

The JIG Board is keen to ensure that the transition is effected swiftly and without impacting on service standards. In a move to reassure retailers, wholesalers and publishers committed to maintain their support for the Industry Standard Service Agreement (ISSA) during the transitional period.

David Cooke, Chairman of JIG commented. “For many years JIG has played an important role in the industry, but it is clear that new arrangements are now required. I am confident that proposals for a more effective structure can be tabled and that with some goodwill they can attract wide support. I would like to thank all of the trade bodies for their participation in JIG as well as the administrative staff who have supported JIG and ISSA over the years.”