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JPIMedia partners with First News

First News and JPIMedia have announced that they are working together to reach more children with trusted news, to counter the misinformation and fake news that circulates online.

JPIMedia partners with First News
Nicky Cox: “We are thrilled to be working with JPIMedia to reach even more children.”

Last week saw JPIMedia launch a dedicated ‘Children’s Home Page’ curated by First News. The ‘Children’s Home Page’ will be published every week across JPIMedia’s entire portfolio of hundreds of publications and websites reaching millions of children up and down the country, says JPIMedia.

For 15 years, First News, the UK’s only newspaper for children, has been providing unbiased news that young people can trust. All content is balanced, engaging and entertaining with background and context, to help them make sense of the world in which they are growing up.

Editor in chief Nicky Cox MBE said: “Our mission is to encourage a better world by ensuring the next generation is better informed than the last. While children make up 27% of the world’s people, they are 100% of the future. Our hope is that First News will play its part in supporting young people to become engaged, interested and active global citizens. We are thrilled to be working with JPIMedia to reach even more children across the United Kingdom and see the ‘Children’s Home Page’ as just the starting point for a long and impactful partnership.”

Tina Callcutt, Director of Content Sales at JPIMedia, said: “Ensuring that children have great access to reliable information from a safe and trusted environment in the era of fake news is of utmost importance. We are delighted to be partnering up with First News to help bring local knowledge and news for those aged 7-14 as part of our regular content offering. Grab your local newspaper for the entire family.”

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