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JPIMedia restructures its business in the north

Lancashire Post editor Gillian Parkinson will step down next March from the JPIMedia title after 33 years of service to the publisher and its forerunner Johnston Press.

JPIMedia restructures its business in the north

The move came as JPIMedia set out plans for its North-West and North-East business units to merge into a single division covering the North of England.

Parkinson is JPIMedia’s editorial director in the North-West, and Joy Yates, her North-East equivalent, will also “be ceasing her present role”.

It is not yet clear, however, who will take over Parkinson’s role as editor of the Preston-based Lancashire Post.

Executive chairman of JPIMedia’s owner National World, David Montgomery, announced the news in a staff email.

In the email, reports HTFP, Montgomery writes: “Gillian Parkinson, editorial director in the North West, has decided after 33 years service to retire from the business at the end of March 2022. Joy Yates, regional director in North East, will be ceasing her present role following a distinguished length of service.

“I would like to thank Gillian and Joy for the extremely valuable contribution they have made to JPI and especially during the start of the transformation of JPI over the last 12 months.

“The restructure and appointments are a continuation of the process to build a sustainable model for local publishing and a return to growth as a premium content and sales business.

“I take this opportunity to thank all our talented staff for their hard work and creativity in launching the company on a new path after a challenging few years.”

Meanwhile, Montgomery told JPIMedia staff former Halifax Courier editor Tim Robinson is to become editorial director for the North, while retaining his role as group managing editor.

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