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Kelsey takes the helm at Fishing News

IntraFish Media has sold its UK weekly newspaper, Fishing News, to Kent-based publisher, Kelsey Media. The transaction was completed in London Wednesday April 29.

IntraFish Publisher, Pål Korneliussen said: “I'm very pleased to have found a new home for this fantastic newspaper as well as its staff. I'm confident that under Kelsey's ownership, Fishing News will remain faithful to its great heritage and its readers by continuing to be the voice of the fishing industry for years to come.

We'd like to have Fishing News readers and advertisers over the years join us in wishing owners and staff bon voyage on this next chapter in a history continuously written for over one hundred years. At the same time we'd like to thank the industry for its continued support.

Readers can rest assured we are not pulling out of the seafood industry. As IntraFish focus more on international seafood industry issues, business news and digital platforms, Fishing News is no longer a strategic fit for us. Hence it was logical to pass it on. We will however continue to publish Fishing News International, Fish Farming International, Seafood International, FiskeribladetFiskaren,, and Our Events arm and Reports will also continue as before.”

Kelsey CEO, Steve Wright said: “We welcome Fishing News into our business and are committed to maintaining both the quality and the frequency of this well respected weekly newspaper.”

IntraFish were advised by Prism Consult, a leading UK-based Media M&A consultancy.