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Launch: China Daily – European Edition

The European Edition of China Daily, distributed by Quickmarsh, will be on sale every Friday, priced £1.

According to distributors Quickmarsh: “China Daily was launched in October 1997 after the handover of Hong Kong. It is read by 55,000 professionals every day in Hong Kong. Content consists of in-depth and mainland focused articles, well researched business and financial articles. More than 40% of China Daily Hong Kong edition is read by foreign companies. 67% of the total readers of China Daily are senior professionals, 18% other professionals, 10% government organisations and 5% others. 70% are male readers and 30% are female readers

The European Edition of the publication focuses on all things Sino-European – from politics and economics to culture and people. The objective is to present more context to content, and provide nuanced coverage of various matters of interest, providing a unique take on what Europe is doing in China and vice versa. The title will present insightful, in-depth and intelligent coverage so that we can better engage in, and explore, issues that matter to you and us. Issues that will be covered for example are: How the business environment is changing for European companies in China; the business profile tracks down the growing number of connoisseurs of European wine in China; A feature on a Dutchman who leased and transformed a remote, ramshackle village in South China into a popular holiday resort; and how a leading young Chinese entrepreneur turned his company into a solar power giant.”