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Launch of online trading platform for print inserts

This month Media Lateral, a new online trading platform for magazine and newspaper inserts, announces the launch of its live auction sites.

The free to join service aims to revolutionise and invigorate the insert marketplace, as well as drive performance and efficiency for media agencies and owners alike.

The site has 54 publications signed up for trading at launch, including national newspapers, consumer and business magazines; and both network and non-network agencies.

As part of an introductory offer, media owners who sign up to use the service in September can trade for free throughout the month.

Three bespoke services are available through the Media Lateral portal; EsertBuy, EsertSell and EsertPrint. Each service, which will be available 24/7, can be activated as and when users need them.

Esertbuy is an auction site which allows agencies to invite media owners to bid for volumes of inserts for a client and campaign live in a secure online environment. As auctions can be activated as and when needed, the site offers agencies complete flexibility, as well as enabling them to deliver buying efficiencies.  In addition to this, Esertbuy offers the opportunity for media owners to maximise their insert revenue.

Esertsell provides media owners with an online trading platform to sell their remnant insert inventory, inviting agencies to bid in a timed auction. Again, the flexibility of the service which is available 24/7, can be activated on demand by the media owners, giving them the opportunity to optimise insert revenue, as well as allowing agencies access to short term inventory.

Esertprint is a print management site, providing advertisers and agencies with the opportunity to buy their print at competitive prices. The service is a one stop shop for print and media, bringing both of these services together under one roof.

Media Lateral has been developed by Directors Catryn Brogan and Chris Branch, who bring with them many years of experience in the media and advertising industries, notably with Associated   Newspapers and News International. They will be working closely with Director Nick Barbeary of parent company, marketing services provider Lateral Group, who has 18 years’ experience in the print and direct marketing industry. 

Director of Media Lateral, Catryn Brogan, comments: “In developing Esertbuy, Esertsell and Esertprint we were mindful of the restrictions on time in the industry. We feel that these three products provide agencies and media owners with accessible and efficient trading opportunities in a secure online environment, revolutionising the way inserts are traded.”

Andy Jeal, Managing Partner at Carat, said: “These innovative online insert trading platforms developed by Media Lateral are of their time, and will I'm sure further stimulate the insert medium. The combined opportunities for clients to buy their media and print at the same time using these platforms will help us to maximise the overall ROI for our clients’ insert advertising budgets, and possibly tempt non-traditional insert advertisers to test the medium.”