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Launch: Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars, a new annual from Pole Star Publications, is the “the ultimate guide to photographing the universe”. It goes on sale on 4 December, priced £7.99.

According to distributors COMAG: The latest publication from the successful team at Astronomy Now, Shooting Stars will be a complete guide to photographing stars, nebulae and galaxies through a telescope.

Written by British astrophotography guru Nik Szymanek, Shooting Stars is a 132-page special edition that will take readers through the tools and tactics required to take spellbinding images of the universe, showing them how to master image processing software like Adobe Photoshop to bring the best out of their images.

The ultimate guide to photographing the Universe, Shooting Stars will introduce readers to the equipment they need to take their own deep sky pictures, before embarking on a series of detailed but straightforward tutorials that will empower them to be able to extract every bit of fine detail from their images and bring nebulae and galaxies to life.

Shooting Stars will cover a variety of topics, including how to use layers in Photoshop, using filters to recreate the colours seen in Hubble Space Telescope images, using robotic telescopes in other countries, how to make mosaics of the Milky Way, as well as guides and technical tips for imaging the likes of the Orion Nebula and even the Moon.

Filled with large colour pictures throughout, Shooting Stars will prove irresistible to anyone who has ever been inclined to capture what they see in the heavens.