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Launch: The InPublishing Podcast

InPublishing today published the first full episode of its new weekly podcast series.

Launch: The InPublishing Podcast
Rob Attar, editor of BBC History Magazine

The InPublishing Podcast is a new weekly podcast series presented by Ciar Byrne. Each week, she will be talking with a prominent person in the newspaper, magazine or online publishing world who is doing interesting things.

The first episode features an interview with Rob Attar, editor of BBC History Magazine, which celebrated its twentieth anniversary in May. Ciar talks to Rob about his career, fascination in history, and how the brand has evolved since it launched in 2000, amongst other things.

The podcast series is hosted on the Acast platform and can be subscribed to via all the main podcasting platforms.

James Evelegh, editor of InPublishing, said: “We’ve long been aware of the growing appeal of podcasts and have written about it often enough. The coronavirus is probably what gave us the nudge we needed to launch our own and I’m delighted we can now offer our readers a new way of accessing our content. Podcasts offer something fresh and new and quite distinctive from our other publishing output. I’m excited to see how it develops. I’m also very grateful to Atex for being our first podcasts sponsor.”

Alberto Mari, head of business development at Atex, said: “When we started talking with InPublishing, we were looking for a great way to engage in an online conversation with UK publishers. By sponsoring the InPublishing Podcast, we are supporting a new way for media people to learn from each other and share ideas. This will help to start a conversation on existing challenges – such as process efficiency or digital transformation – and how Atex can support publishers in these areas.”

Alberto Mari: “This will help to start a conversation on existing challenges.”