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Leicester Mercury building turns blue

The Leicester Mercury turned blue on Monday night in support of World Diabetes Day.

Leicester East MP Keith Vaz asked the newspaper to light up its offices in blue to support the campaign to raise awareness of the disease. It was among a number of buildings and landmarks across the world which did so – including the Kremlin and Niagara Falls.

In addition, the Mercury published a double-page spread about World Diabetes Day, including a first-person piece by Mr Vaz, who is himself a diabetes sufferer. A mobile screening unit was also sent to the Mercury’s offices so that all staff could have free diabetes tests.

Nearly 50,000 people across Leicestershire are suffering from diabetes – more than ever before.

World Diabetes Day was launched in response to concern over the escalating incidence of diabetes around the world.

The Mercury building is situated next to Leicester's inner ring road and is one of the city's landmark buildings. It has a lighting system which allows it to be lit in different colours.

Acting editor Richard Bettsworth said: "We were very happy to support this campaign and turn the Mercury blue. The incidence of diabetes is rising and this was an ideal opportunity to raise awareness about the condition, its symptoms and prevention."