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Lewis Business Media appoints Beeline to manage audience data

Lewis Business Media, a multi-platform media business with magazines, web-based products, events and data products, has appointed Beeline Data Services to manage its audience data using their AMS software.

John Lewis (MD of LBM) said. "We are a fast growing publishing company and need specialist data management support from people that have the experience Beeline has. The business is growing so we now need to focus on managing that growth and leave the data management to the experts. I have worked with Daniel in the past and I have no hesitation in rekindling that relationship.”

Daniel Verrells of Beeline replied that, "I am delighted to have another forward thinking publisher on board. We have the expertise and software to really support LBM in the future which is very exciting for us."

Beeline's Audience Management System (AMS) enables publishers to manage and communicate with their audience in both the print and digital environment and gain a better understanding of who their audience is. This in turn allows a far more relevant content and marketing strategy, says Beeline Data Services.