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LexisNexis increases South American coverage

LexisNexis, a leading provider of information and business solutions, announces an agreement with Esmerk which sees the addition of nineteen new sources covering South American countries to the Nexis research services.

These sources will be available globally through both Nexis and the new NexisDirect service.

Esmerk will provide LexisNexis with access to nineteen new titles, drawing key stories from local media and abstracting them into English to provide a broad range of coverage.  The collection will be updated daily, as events occur.  This agreement further strengthens the LexisNexis’ database content and coverage of these countries, which are increasingly important to customers operating in the global marketplace.

Dan Marshall, Commercial Director for LexisNexis News & Business, comments: “The extension of our agreement with Esmerk provides our Nexis and NexisDirect customers with the latest insights, news and commentary from across South America.  The countries covered are becoming increasingly important global players, as evidenced by the decision to award the next Olympics to Brazil, so it’s vital for our customers to have access to local information they can rely on.”

Esmerk has been providing business information to senior decision-makers around the world since 1975. Their dedicated multilingual analysts provide local news and comment from around the world, abstracted into English. The new titles added include: Esmerk Argentina News, Esmerk Bolivia News, Esmerk Brazil News, Esmerk Caribbean News, Esmerk Chile News, Esmerk Colombia News, Esmerk Costa Rica News, Esmerk Ecuador News, Esmerk El Salvador News, Esmerk Guatemala News, Esmerk Honduras News, Esmerk LatAm Regional News, Esmerk Mexico News, Esmerk Nicaragua News, Esmerk Panama News, Esmerk Paraguay News, Esmerk Peru News, Esmerk Uruguay News and Esmerk Venezuela News.

Derek Cox, Managing Director of Esmerk, commented on the agreement with LexisNexis: “Esmerk is delighted to partner with LexisNexis to deliver new coverage from these nineteen South American countries.  Working with LexisNexis helps us to provide our content to new business readers, powering decision-making worldwide.”

These sources are in addition to the extensive range of emerging markets information that LexisNexis already delivers from Esmerk and other leading providers in this space.

About LexisNexis

LexisNexis says: “LexisNexis is a leading global provider of content-enabled workflow solutions designed specifically for professionals in the legal, risk management, corporate, government, law enforcement, accounting and academic markets. LexisNexis originally pioneered online information with its Lexis and Nexis services. A member of Reed Elsevier, LexisNexis serves customers in more than 100 countries with 18,000 employees worldwide.

In the UK, LexisNexis online services include NexisDirect – “Highly Commended” at this year’s DPA Awards - and Nexis the world’s largest global news & business information service. The company has over 1,000 employees in the UK.”