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Licensing and syndication explained in new FIPP guide

FIPP has published The WMM Guide: Licensing and Syndication Explained – a report aimed at publishers and media owners looking to take the first steps towards international expansion.

According to FIPP: The WMM Guide provides an invaluable introduction to the world of licensing and syndication, and is authored by John Cabell and Mike Greehan of Cueball.

From finding the perfect partner and negotiating the contract, to syndicating digital content and licensing websites, the WMM Guide offers insightful and practical advice from industry experts and a step-by-step guide to international success.

Access a FREE sample chapter from The WMM Guide: Licensing and Syndication Explained.

Delegates who attend FIPP’s Worldwide Media Marketplace event in London on 29-30 May 2012 will receive a FREE digital copy, but to purchase yours now, visit

A free introductory webinar about licensing can be viewed at

For more information about the WMM Guide or the WMM event, contact FIPP’s events manager, Claire Jones.


FIPP members - £95 digital only/£125 digital and print (includes postage and packaging)

Non-members - £125 digital only/£155 digital and print (includes postage and packaging)