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Lineup launches new subs system

Lineup Systems yesterday unveiled their new subscriptions platform, Amplio.

Lineup launches new subs system
Michael Mendoza: “Amplio was launched to specifically help media companies to use their data and our technology to grow their total reader revenue.”

The platform promises, says Lineup, to grow subscription revenue immediately by eliminating common frustrations such as high cost and disparate data.

“The subscription system needs for the modern media companies have grown and changed dramatically in recent years,” said Founder and Amplio creator Michael Mendoza. “We see our customers struggling to implement systems that are not designed for media companies, or try to retrofit legacy subscription platforms. Amplio was launched to specifically help media companies to use their data and our technology to grow their total reader revenue - far outperforming these generic or legacy systems.”

According to Lineup, Amplio launches with a full set of revenue and product management features, plus several out-of-the-box integrations. The system includes no-code product and package configuration, a drag-and-drop nurture campaign creator, and a full finance suite.

In addition to these features, Amplio boasts a “Single Customer View” that compiles a registered user’s complete history of interactions with a publication across advertising and subscription channels. This feature unlocks segmentation opportunities long talked about in the media industry, but previously elusive, says Lineup.

Longstanding relationships with publishers using Adpoint, Lineup’s advertising management system, played a key role in the development of Amplio.

“Organizations that have already reduced total cost of ownership on the advertising side with an end-to-end system like Adpoint are keen to do the same on the subscriptions side,” said Director of Product and Marketing, Dawn Briddon. “We’ve intentionally involved those same organizations from the beginning of this process to ensure we’re relieving the most important pain points and delivering unquestionable value from day one.”

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