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Local World unveils General Election Compass

Local World has partnered with academics at two UK universities and Dutch digital research company Kieskompas to produce Election Compass UK – an engaging interactive survey which tells readers which parties they are closest to.

The web app, which will run on all Local World websites, invites readers to share their views on a range of issues, including tax, immigration, Europe, public spending and the party leaders. They can also explore each party’s stance on 30 hot-button topics.

Kieskompas have worked in 40 previous elections worldwide, including the recent poll in Israel. They have developed Election Compass UK in conjunction with academics at the University of Exeter and Swansea University.

Steve Anglesey, Digital Content Director, Local World said: “Our Election Compass will help readers navigate the closest race in living memory and give our titles regionalised insights into how the campaign is developing in their constituencies.”

Election Compass UK is live on all Local World sites now.