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Look readers design T-shirts

Look, the fashion weekly, has unveiled the results of a new partnership with leading high street retailer New Look and cervical cancer charity Jo’s Trust this week.

The collaboration will see Look branded T-shirts available nationwide in New Look stores from 27th July, with 25% of each sale going to Jo’s Trust

The T-shirts have been designed by Look readers Grace Morgan and Harriet Fox, winners of an exclusive New Look competition to celebrate the launch of its Design of the Decades range. The new range represents decades of music from the Sixties through to the Noughties, celebrating the music and fashion of the times. Grace and Harriet have each designed T-shirts to represent the 2010 era.   

Not only will the winning designs feature in an issue of Look, the winners will receive  £500 of New Look vouchers as well as spending a day shadowing New Look buyers and designers, while they watch their winning T-shirts being created and delivered into stores.

Look has designated Jo’s Trust as its charity partner – and the competition is another boost for the charity which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.

Tara Steadman, Look senior marketing manager, says: “Look champions the very best in high street fashion and style, so this partnership with New Look is the perfect opportunity to offer our fashion-hungry readers the chance to see their own designs end up on the high street. It’s a testament to the fashion-conscious nature of our readers that the quality of entries was so good we had to choose two winners! And being able to raise awareness of the brilliant work of Jo’s Trust is a real pleasure.”

New Look group design director Barbara Horspool adds: “We are delighted to be working with Look on this design-a-T-shirt competition. New Look and Look wanted to open up a creative platform for Look’s readers where they could explore what inspires them through the medium of music through the decades. The winning designs will sit perfectly in New Look as they exemplify our unique mix of fashion, excitement and fun.”

Around 2,800 new cases of cervical cancer are reported in the UK each year and tragically 1,000 women lose their lives. Jo’s Trust offers vital support and information for those whose lives have been affected by pre-cancer or cancer of the cervix.

Robert Music, director of Jo’s Trust, commented: “This is fantastic news and we are indebted to Look and New Look for their support. Not only will it raise vital funds it also means that more young women will be aware of Jo’s Trust and hopefully the importance of screening.”

The competition follows hot on the heels of Look’s debut Pamper Parlour at this year’s Isle of Wight Festival. Housed in a 50 foot, white draped marquee, the Look Pamper Parlour provided somewhere girls could take a breather, taking advantage of nail bars, hair stylists and massage therapists across 20 styling booths. Leading hair care specialist Tigi was on hand with a range of products and stylists. GHD supplied straighteners for every booth while Liz Earle laid-on skin care products to ensure revellers looked their best.

The New Look Design of the Decades range is on sale in selected stores from 27th July, priced £8. Look is on sale every Tuesday, with a cover price of £1.50.