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Look reveals young women’s voting intentions

Look, the fashion weekly, has canvassed the opinion of 18-35 year old women and found they are far more likely to vote following the Prime Ministerial Leaders’ TV Debates.

The snap survey of 119 Look readers conducted this weekend and released today has shown that – love them or loathe them – the Leaders’ Debates have had a huge impact on voting intentions for young women in the UK.

• 88% of respondents are definitely going to vote on Thursday, with a massive 68% more likely to vote this year than in previous elections.

• 56% admit that the TV debates have influenced voting intention.

• And a massive 80% say that the key influence on their voting intention has been listening to and reading about the election campaign, with only 27% relying on their family for guidance.

And, contrary to the national picture, Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats have been the clear winners of this new, direct and personality-based form of political communication.

• When asked who they felt has come across best in the election campaign, Clegg has made the strongest impression by some margin – winning the support of 57.5% of respondents (Cameron came a long way second on 26.3% and Brown trailed in third place on 16.2%).

• And on the crucial issue of how personal popularity will translate to votes on polling day, again Look readers flout the national picture. 41% of respondents said their vote would be going to the Lib Dems, with Labour 9% adrift in second place on 32% and the Conservatives in third at 27%.

Look editor Ali Hall says: “Look sells over 1.3 million copies every month. Our readers are very engaged with the world around them, and it’s clear that the Leaders’ Debates have caught their imagination. Rather than following family allegiances, the TV Debates have allowed them direct access to all three of the main party leaders – and that has massively influenced their voting intentions.

“It’s clear that young women in the UK have responded well to Nick Clegg as a leader, and his mandate for change. And despite the national polls, it’s clear that Look readers are happy to flout conventional wisdom with their voting decisions.”

Survey Results

1. Are you going to vote? Yes 88%, No 8%, Don't know 4%

2. Have the TV debates influenced how you might vote? Yes 56%, No 37%, Don't know 7%

3. Who do you think has come across the best in the election campaign? Gordon Brown 16.2%, Nick Clegg 57.5%, David Cameron 26.3%

4. What most influences how you vote? Family views 27%, Friends' views 2%, Listening to/reading about the campaign 80%

5. Are you more likely to vote this year than in previous years? Yes 68%, No 32%

6. Based on the campaign so far, who are you most likely to vote for? Labour 32%, Liberal Democrats 41%, Conservative 27.0%

About Look Readers

• The median age of the Look reader is 26 and female. 

• 70% are aged 16-34

• Nationwide spread

• She enjoys spending money on herself

• Style conscious with a real passion for shopping