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Love it supports Breakthrough Breast Cancer

Hubert Burda Media UK is teaming up with Breakthrough Breast Cancer to help raise funds for research into the disease, which affects over half a million women in Britain.

As part of this collaboration, Hubert Burda Media UK will be donating five pence per copy sold of issue No.321 of Love It! on the UK and Ireland newsstands.

Many readers of Love It! have either been affected or will be affected by this disease, say the publishers, as currently 1 in 8 women in the UK will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. Although around 1,000 women currently die each year in the UK of breast cancer, thanks to the work of organisations such as Breakthrough Breast Cancer, more and more are surviving due to better awareness, better screening and better treatments.

Speaking to the NFRN, a representative of Hubert Burda Media UK said: “This is where we really need your support for Breakthrough. Although the initiative will be heavily featured on the cover of this issue, we still need all magazine retailers to get behind us and promote this issue of the magazine to your customers. By doing so, not only will retailers benefit from the extra sales, but together we can really generate a huge amount of money for Breakthrough Breast Cancer, and help their fight to try to eradicate breast cancer and achieve their vision of a future free from the fear of it.

This initiative will be promoted to over 40,000 people via social media, encouraging them to buy a copy of the magazine, as well as spreading the word to their friends and colleagues, so there is the potential for huge consumer demand for this issue. Therefore please do not miss out on this opportunity to increase your sales. In order to maximise sales of this issue, please make sure that you order enough copies from your supplying wholesaler, tell your customers about what we are doing and encourage them to buy LOVE IT! Give this issue a prominent full facing on your magazine display, and monitor availability throughout the on sale period to ensure that you do not sell out.

This is a tremendous chance for us to help make a difference to the lives of many thousands of women in the UK who have been affected by breast cancer.”