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Mag+ Sep 11 photography app tops charts

Last week, Mag+, in collaboration with American Photo magazine and some of the world’s best photographers, launched 9/11/01: The Photographers’ Stories, a free standalone tablet magazine app.

As of Tuesday afternoon, the commemorative app was already ranked as the 25th most popular app, up 30 spots from the previous day. The ranking has translated into over 30,000 downloads in the four-day span since the app’s release and made this the most popular photography app currently available in the iTunes store.

The app, which expands upon American Photo’s September/October 2011 issue feature, “The Sky is Falling,” contains extensive interviews, stories, and previously unreleased images from the photographers who witnessed first-hand and documented the September 11 events – big and small.  It is currently available to download for free in the iTunes Store.

In lieu of payment, Mag+ and American Photo, along with the photographers whose work features in the app, have strongly encouraged readers to make a donation to one of the charities listed on the in-app donation page, which includes organisations that benefit the New York Police Department, New York Fire Department, children who lost parents on September 11, journalists, Afghan children and more.

“We’re heartened by the outpouring of support around this project, as we truly believed Mag+ was the perfect platform to effectively bring this visual historical record to the iPad,” says Mike Haney, US Director of Mag+, which waived all fees for the app. “The flexibility and creativity that this publishing tool offers to designers lends itself perfectly to an app of this nature, which relies as much on visual imagery as it does on written content. The result is a very raw and unique perspective on the events of September 11, through the eyes of the photographers who experienced it intimately.”

(Picture credits: US flag picture: Steve McCurry; Firemen picture: John Botte.)

About Mag+

Mag+ says: “Mag+ is the most flexible and cost-efficient platform for publishing creative content on touchscreen tablets. Mag+ premiered on the first iPads in April 2010 with the award-winning Popular Science+, and supports dozens of titles in the iTunes Store. With its streamlined production system, powerful backend and feature-rich app framework, Mag+ is ideal for anyone wanting to publish beautiful, immersive content using the new generation of digital devices. Built by the R&D task force of global publishing powerhouse Bonnier Magazine Group, Mag+ became an independent company in 2011 and now licenses the platform to dozens of magazines, catalogues and creatives.”