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Mail Connected teams up with Suzuki SX4

Mail Connected has teamed up with the sleek Suzuki SX4 for a series of unique advertorials which will run cross platform in Weekend magazine over the coming four weeks and on Mail Online.

The SX4=ME campaign really is a campaign with a difference, say the publishers.

It will feature Mail readers literally in the driving seat of the SX4 hatchback, describing how much they enjoy being at the wheel and how the vehicle fits perfectly into their lifestyles.

This will also provide an opportunity to convey how Mail readers have chosen a premium brand that reflects their tastes and aspirations.

This cross-media deal for the Suzuki SX4, was brokered by Mail Connected Creative Solutions Strategist Lena Arbery and Gemma Abrahams at Nexus|H.

The campaign will also seek to draw people in with a reader competition, together with the creation of a bespoke microsite, showcasing the car.

The microsite will be supported by behavioural and contextual traffic drivers from Mail Online.

The SX4 campaign is being shot on location and will appear from Sept 24th onwards for 4 weeks.

Rebecca Morrison, from Suzuki GB says: “The creative concept SX4=Me is the ideal solution for our campaign objectives and sits nicely within Suzuki’s Way of Life positioning.

Tapping into the Mail’s reader pool and using them within the creative gives the piece a sense of reality & further cements our Way of Life message.

Using Weekend Magazine coupled with the ever growing Mail Online means we can ensure we continue building dialogue & engagement with our target audience.”