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Mail takes gift mountain to agencies

MailOnline and Daily Mail sales teams played Santa last week as they toured London media agencies with an “enormous mega gift mountain”.

The Mail teams were offering agency staff a chance to win the whole pile by correctly guessing its total value.

The mountain contains a selection of secret presents based around MailOnline and the Daily Mail’s top channel and advertising categories, with everything from high end tech to everyday consumer goods, says the Mail.

The “prodigious present pile” has been winging its way around London in a specially branded van, and visited staff at MGOMD and MEC on Tuesday and Zenith, Aegis and 7 Stars on Wednesday. The tour continued throughout Thursday and Friday with OMD, PHD and Mediacom, Maxus, Starcom and Blue449 all on the agenda.

Clare Rush, Chief Revenue Officer said: “This is a fun, festive way to engage with our agency partners, but it’s also designed to showcase the breadth of the Mail audience and illustrate how clients can get their #Xmassorted by taking advantage of our unparalleled reach and scale.”

As an extra early Christmas present, says the Mail, agencies were also offered a special Black Friday deal, with any print campaigns worth over £14k booked before 7pm on Friday coming bundled with a 50% discount on interstitial audience extension products.