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MailOnline achieves new record traffic high

MailOnline chalked up a record month for visitors in October, according to new figures released yesterday.

And, says the Mail, it was confirmed as Britain’s top newspaper website for the thirtieth month in a row by the latest ABC audited figures.

In October 2011, MailOnline recorded 4,563,492 visitors every day: 65% higher than in October 2010 and 12% higher than in September.

That’s 39% more visitors a day than its nearest rival, The Guardian which recorded 3,275,625 visitors a day, while The Telegraph was on 2,292,052.

MailOnline recorded 79.0 million global unique browsers over the month. That represents a 58% year on year increase and a 17% increase month on month.

In the UK, MailOnline was visited by an average of 1,956,908 UK residents every day, 67% more than in October 2010.

MailOnline had 27.8 million unique browsers in the UK, an increase of 55% year on year.

This month’s ABC certificate also confirms that no less than 245,334 users accessed the MailOnline iPhone app in October 2011 and had astonishing levels of engagement, says the publisher.

98.7 thousand users accessed the app each day, that’s 14% higher than the previous month. Each app user viewed an average of over 90 pages A DAY and spent an average of 25 minutes with the app each day.

No other UK newspaper has yet published their App traffic through ABC.