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Malay Mail implements WoodWing solutions

The Malay Mail, a leading daily English-language newspaper in Malaysia, selected both WoodWing’s multi-channel publishing system Enterprise and the company’s digital asset management solution Elvis DAM.

The Malay Mail is a leading English-language newspaper in Malaysia, distributed in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur and the Peninsula Malaysia. The tabloid paper has a circulation of 100,000.

Until now, the publisher used neither a workflow publishing system nor a digital asset management solution. As a result, the editorial and production processes did not offer the level of efficiency and security required in modern news publishing. With advice from Serious Technology, WoodWing’s leading solution partner in Asia, the publisher selected WoodWing Enterprise and Elvis DAM as its integrated newsroom system.

According to WoodWing, Enterprise supports the editorial process from the initial idea and research through authoring and creation of the article to its publication. Using a status-based workflow, articles and their components are efficiently and safely passed through the process. The efficiency of the editing process is significantly increased by clear indications for underset and overset. Editors and designers can preview the entire publication and its progression at any time.

As Elvis DAM is tightly integrated with Content Station, the editorial management application of Enterprise, uses can enjoy a single interface for planning, production and digital asset management. Elvis DAM enables editors and designers to easily and quickly find the required media files for use in their articles. Elvis DAM also helps to implement procedures for the management of large quantities of digital assets – the enforced assignment of metadata is just one example.

When an issue is published, all layouts, articles, images and videos are automatically archived in Elvis, with valuable production information attached. As a result, it becomes easy to retrieve and repurpose existing content and to syndicate images to licensing partners or agencies, enabling further monetization.

“Malay Mail is on an overall expansion phase with the production of the newspaper on all platforms – digital, online and, of course, print,” said the newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief, Wong Sai Wan. “This new editorial and production environment will be instrumental to our growth and integration at all platforms.”

The implementation will be carried out by Serious Technology. “We don´t just install the systems – using our comprehensive experience, we adapt them to the specific requirements of the Malay Mail,” said Bruce Persaud, CEO of Serious Technology. “One example is a special messaging system desired by the customer, further increasing the safety and effectiveness of the workflow, which is characterized by tight deadlines.”

“The Malay Mail is the latest addition to the long list of more than 200 newspapers worldwide that rely on the efficiency and reliability of our solutions,” said Roel-Jan Mouw, CEO of WoodWing. “Our solutions are perfectly suited for all requirements of modern news publishing, including the support of all existing and upcoming channels such as the Apple Watch.”