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Maney Publishing joins NESLi2 SMP

Maney Publishing has joined the NESLi2 SMP (Small and Medium-sized Publishers) collection, which will make its Ejournals available for licensing to even more higher and further education and research communities.

The complete Ejournal collection is available, as well as Maney’s five specialist collections in Archaeology & Heritage, Health Sciences,

History & Humanities, Language & Literature, and Materials Science & Engineering.

NESLi2 SMP features e-content from 22 publishers around the world which are licensed by more than 190 higher and further education institutions and research councils.

Ben Taplin, JISC Collections Manager, commented on the agreement: “We are delighted that Maney has joined NESLi2 SMP, which offers our members high quality electronic journal content from publishers not covered by the original NESLi2 agreements. It comes with the benefits of negotiated JISC banded subscription pricing and the security of the NESLi2 model licence.”

Shelly Turner, Director of Sales and Marketing, is pleased at Maney’s inclusion in the collection: “Maney is committed to disseminating research to as wide an audience as possible, so I am really pleased that our E-journal collections will be available to the UK HE and FE institutions through NESLi2.”

More information is available at the NESLI2 website or by contacting Paul Curtis, Journal Sales Manager, Maney Publishing. Email

About JISC Collections

JISC says: “JISC Collections was established by the UK Higher and Further Education Funding Councils in 2006 to negotiate at a national level with publishers and owners of digital content on behalf of the academic and research community. JISC Collections strives to widen accessibility to online resources, to save its member institutions time and money, and to develop the business and licensing models around digital content so that they meet the needs of the academic community.”

About NESLi2

NESLi2 says: “NESLi2 is the UK’s national initiative for licensing electronic journals on behalf of the higher and further education and

research communities.

* Delivered estimated savings for the community of £13.2 million in 2009

* Over 7,000 E-journals are on offer

* More than 190 higher and further education institutions and research councils take advantage of NESLi2


* 18 publishers participate

* All agreements are covered by the NESLi2 Model Licence

* Offers a closed listserv for discussion and information sharing

About MORE Collections

Maney says: “MORE (Maney Online Research E-journals) are electronic journal packages that allow institutions and consortia to select the content best-suited to their needs. As well as the MORE Complete Collection, there are five subject-specific collections: MORE Materials Science & Engineering, MORE Health Sciences, MORE History & Humanities, MORE Archaeology & Heritage, MORE Language & Literature."

About Maney Publishing

Maney says: “Maney Publishing was formed in 1997 from a printing company established in 1900, and publishes scholarly journals in materials science, the humanities, and health science. Maney is committed to publishing high quality journals in print and electronic formats that are international in scope and peer-reviewed. With offices in Leeds and London in the UK, and in Cambridge and Philadelphia in North America, Maney publishes extensively for learned societies, universities and professional bodies around the world.”