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Manson Group buys Heidelberg XL106

The Manson Group has marked its 50th birthday with the acquisition of a Heidelberg XL 106 from Exel Printing Machinery.

Manson Group buys Heidelberg XL106
Neil Wass: “It’s all about the makeready.”

Replacing a 10 unit Speedmaster 102, the Heidelberg adds significant capacity to the St Albans operation, says the company. With Autoplate Pro, Inpress Control 2 and Intellistart, Director Neil Wass says, “it’s all about the makeready”.

Established in 1969, The Manson Group remains under the same family ownership today. With around 45% of turnover generated by magazines and periodicals, the company says that it is additionally seeing an upturn in event publications as a result of the factory’s proximity to major exhibition centres.

“We see a future where content is more targeted and more specific to the audience so we are anticipating more pages and more titles with lower runs,” says Neil Wass. “With our focus very much on multiple section work, push to stop gives us the capability to predictably ‘pre-load’ a shift’s worth of work on the machine leaving the minders to monitor the end product and simply feed the machine with plates and paper. Combined with CutStar, the aggregated marginal gains across these various technologies represent a useful edge for us in this super-competitive sector.”

The machine was commissioned in September and is complemented by a Stahl KH82 Anniversary edition folder from Heidelberg UK.

You can find out more about The Manson Group in our Publishing Services Directory.