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Mark Allen Group goes live on Gemstone

Miles 33 has announced that the Mark Allen Group has gone live on Miles 33's Enterprise Sales Platform, Gemstone.

Mark Allen Group goes live on Gemstone
The Mark Allen Group has more than 85 brands...

The system is used to sell multi-channel advertising and media services for their extensive portfolio of B2B magazines in the healthcare, education, business and consumer markets.

The Gemstone system has been tailored to fit Mark Allen Group’s specific needs as a B2B publisher.

These include:

  • Controlled Circulation System: The module was developed specifically for use by their Engineering/Manufacturing Division to ensure that their B2B magazines reach the correct person in the correct company who has a specific job and a specific set of skills. The Mark Allen Group’s mantra is “Connecting specialist audiences with critical information”. Therefore, having special tools to ensure their audiences are expressly well defined and that their magazines are delivered to all the right people, is a critical success factor, says Miles 33.
  • Selling of database lists: Equally critical to success is having accurate data. Gemstone’s CRM and Controlled Circulation modules have been applied as database tools to capture and manage the Mark Allen Group’s extensive list of professionals and experts relevant to each industry sector. The CRM has been expanded to include many more records about these audiences. This information can be sorted and filtered by any criteria so the resulting lists can be exported, and sold, by Gemstone.
  • Specific workflows and processes to cleanse database listings: To ensure these databases are current and accurate, processes have been setup within the Gemstone Workflow module that can extract a specific number of contacts and make them available to Gemstone users. The data can then be cleansed over the phone and then re-ingested back into Gemstone.

All this is managed with a single, consolidated system and user interface as Gemstone enables the Mark Allen Group to consolidate a number of separate systems into one.