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May/June issue: 10 takeaways

With the May/June issue of InPublishing magazine going to press, editor James Evelegh picks out some of the takeaways.

By James Evelegh

May/June issue: 10 takeaways
The May/June issue gets mailed out on Friday 17 May.

The May/June issue of InPublishing magazine gets mailed out in a couple of weeks' time. To whet your appetite, I’ve picked out some of the takeaways that stood out for me, in no particular order:

  • We need to make sure that plans to regulate social media don’t have the unintended consequence of stifling freedom of expression.
  • Publicly available data is a gold mine for regional news stories, but you need to frame your FoI requests skilfully or you’ll get nowhere.
  • We live in a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) and we’d better get used to it.
  • The biggest culprits when it comes to not complying with advertising standards are amateurs and politicians – remember that bus ad!
  • The secret of selling more ads is: build trust and relationships, over-deliver on your promises and never lie.
  • Having publishing experience is no longer a job requirement for being CEO of an international publishing company.
  • Turning a blind eye to fake news makes you an unwitting friend of it.
  • Blockchain technology could have a major impact on publishing’s future, but publishers first need to work out what it is.
  • The position some newspapers have taken on Brexit might hurt them in the long run, because young audiences – their future readers – apparently care about three things: Trump, Brexit and climate change.
  • The best way to counter the commercial threat posed by Facebook and Google is to give consumers ownership of their own data.

Thank you to all our contributors in the issue: Jim Bilton, Ciar Byrne, Meg Carter, Peter Dakin, Alan Geere, Liz Gerard, David Hepworth, Karlene Lukovitz, Carolyn Morgan, Tim Robinson, Dickon Ross and Ray Snoddy.

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