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Mediahuis chooses AdvantageCS

AdvantageCS has announced a new client for its subscriptions software, Belgian publisher Mediahuis.

Mediahuis chooses AdvantageCS

Mediahuis was founded in 2013 as a joint venture of two Flemish media corporations, Corelio and Concentra. Based in Antwerp, Belgium, Mediahuis publishes four Belgian newspapers – two national and two regional – and two Dutch newspapers – one regional and one national. It also recently acquired 95% of the Dutch Telegraaf Media Groep, which doubled its circulation size and added a large group of daily and weekly publications. The company’s history dates back to 1879, when their first newspaper, a weekly, was published.

In the 139 years since, there have been numerous launches and acquisitions of media companies, with properties including radio stations, television stations, classified platforms and websites.

The various publications did not all use the same subscription system, resulting in Mediahuis having to manage three separate systems. They began searching for one system that could handle everything. It also had to be “future-proof,” that is, able to support new business models and allow innovation, says AdvantageCS.

“The deep knowledge and quick understanding of the Advantage team during the selection process, combined with the tremendous potential of the software, as well as the quality of the reference visits, convinced us all even before the final evaluation,” said Steve Conard, project manager at Mediahuis.

Links / further reading: AdvantageCS