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Metro launches competition to win a year’s salary

Metro, the free urban national newspaper, and 20th Century Fox have launched a competition to celebrate new movie ‘In Time’ starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried where participants can win a year’s salary.

The idea for the competition came from London students of Skinners Academy following creative workshops run by Metro and The Ideas Foundation.

Participants can download an app from Facebook and must look for codes in the UK media including Kiss FM, FHM, 4Music and Heat Magazine to top up time on their app. The winner will find and input the most time codes and so build up the most time on their clock over the course of a week and win a year’s salary according to the national average. The codes have varying time values depending on how difficult they are to find. The competition launches on Monday 24 October with a cover wrap, the first time code and clues as to where other time codes may be found.

Students Ewelina Sniegon and Katarzyna Sadowska of Skinners Academy working with Shaheed Peera from The Creative Floor came up with the concept of having a year off work and developed the time code search competition.

Wayne Mensah, Client Planning Group Head, Entertainment and Media, at Metro, said: “Initially we teamed up with The Ideas Foundation to give students at Skinners Academy in London the opportunity to learn about the advertising industry and work with real creative agencies. 20th Century Fox provided us with a real brief for the students to work on and twelve pupils worked on ideas for a competition to tie in with the premiere of ‘In Time’.  They worked on the brief for a week and presented back to us along with 20th Century Fox and The Ideas Foundation on 03 June for judging.

“We were really impressed with their ideas and as the premise of the film ‘In Time’ is time and money, we felt that this particular competition idea would resonate with Metro’s urbanite audience.” 

The competition closes on 01 November.