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MMA updates definition of mobile marketing

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has announced a significant revision to the definition of Mobile Marketing.

The new definition is: Mobile Marketing is a set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network.

The crux of the new definition lies in two parts of its taxonomy:

1. The “set of practices” includes “activities, institutions, processes, industry players, standards, advertising and media, direct response, promotions, relationship management, CRM, customer services, loyalty, social marketing, and all the many faces and facets of marketing.”

2. To “engage” means to “start relationships, acquire, generate activity, stimulate social interaction with organization and community members, [and] be present at time of consumers expressed need.” Furthermore, engagement can be initiated by the consumer (“Pull” in form of a click or response) or by the marketer (“Push”).

According to Mike Wehrs (pictured), President and CEO of the MMA, the new definition more accurately reflects the evolved nature and current capabilities of Mobile Marketing.

“Mobile Marketing involves a wide range of practices, and this definition clearly encompasses all of its different variations to properly convey the true power of the medium,” said Wehrs. “The new definition will help frame the activity range broadening the market overall around Mobile Marketing and encourage our ‘ecosystem’ to engage at every level.”

As part of the MMA’s efforts toward sustainable growth in mobile marketing, the updated definition benefits both MMA members and consumers. This initiative creates continuity among all stakeholders using the mobile marketing channel to reach their audiences, while protecting consumers through industry best practices and established mobile media guidelines.

A task force of MMA board members led the initiative to update the definition, circulating the revisions to all regional board members to ensure relevance and appropriateness on a global scale. After careful review and collaboration, the MMA updated the definition for the benefit of the worldwide mobile marketing community.