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MNA titles unite with stores to support charities

Working in conjunction with Local Newspaper Week the Midland News Association launched a special fundraising initiative to support two great charities and also develop links with two major supermarket chains.

For a whole week commencing 10th May 2010, the Express & Star and Shropshire Star donated 10p from each copy of the newspaper sold in Asda and Tesco stores to those companies’ respective charities. Over the course of the week £1306 was raised for Asda’s Tickled Pink breast cancer charity and £1911 for Tesco’s Clic Sargent – Helping Children with Cancer appeal. “If proof were needed, we’ve proved conclusively that the regional press and its readers can and do make a valid contribution to the community” said Jason Bate, Group head of casual sales for the MNA. “The support we received from both Asda and Tesco was first class; hopefully we can work together in the future on ways to boost each other’s business whilst also benefitting the communities we serve”. Julie Worrall, Tesco Campaign Manager for Clic Sargent said “The amount raised could allow Clic Sargent to support a child and their family through 6 months of their cancer journey, which is absolutely fantastic. Your support has also allowed us to raise awareness of the issues that children with cancer and their families face in your local area”.

About the Midland News Association

The MNA says: “The Midland News Association is the holding company of two of the UK’s largest daily regional evening newspapers, the Express & Star and Shropshire Star. The initiative has been designed as an attempt to consolidate links between major retailers and the Midland News Association. If the initiative is successful the hope is that similar bouts of activity may follow in the future.”