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MPP Global acquired by Aptitude Software

MPP Global, subscription and billing specialists, has been acquired by Aptitude Software Group, a specialist provider of finance transformation and automation software.

MPP Global acquired by Aptitude Software
Julian Morelis: “Together, we’ll provide robust product functionality with deep expertise across multiple industries.”

The £37.1 million deal was announced earlier this month and combines the strengths of both MPP Global’s subscription management platform, eSuite, with Aptitude’s financial management software to provide a powerful revenue management and reporting for seamless end-to-end subscription, billing and revenue automation, says MPP Global.

eSuite was created for the subscription economy, offering a modular, cloud-based solution to large enterprise media customers. Today, the solution covers the entire subscriber lifecycle including access control, identity management, CRM, product and pricing management, promotional tools, automated billing, payment processing, anti-churn technology and various data management services. eSuite combined with Aptitude Software’s revenue management solution is expected to provide the market with new opportunities for automation and growth, say the companies.

The acquisition reflects Aptitude Software’s strategy of acquiring businesses that accelerate the Group’s product strategy, expand on its capabilities to automate complex finance functions and support its continued global growth across a broad range of sectors.

Jeremy Suddards, Chief Executive Officer of Aptitude Software, said, “I am delighted to welcome the MPP Global team and customers into the Group, expanding both our current offering and future innovation capabilities. We believe MPP Global is a strong strategic fit, with both businesses positioned to capitalise on the growth in subscription offerings, and we are excited for the new opportunities the acquisition will bring.”

The acquisition comes at a time where many industries are moving towards a subscription-based model, observed by Aptitude Software through its Aptitude Revenue Management client base in medical technology, advanced manufacturing and other sectors. The partnership will enable the Group to provide full, end-to-end solutions which automate the revenue lifecycle of the subscription economy, from subscriber acquisition and billing through to Aptitude Software’s existing revenue management, reports and recognition capabilities.

Julian Morelis, EVP Subscription Management & Billing, MPP Global, said, “We’re excited that MPP Global was chosen by Aptitude Software for this investment opportunity, it’s testament to the strength of our client portfolio and innovative subscription billing platform. Together, we’ll provide robust product functionality with deep expertise across multiple industries, and we envision continued adoption across these verticals for the Group’s wider product suite. Our Northwest UK headquarters will become the second long-term innovation centre for the Group, playing a key role in the Aptitude Software strategy going forward.”

You can find out more about MPP Global in our Publishing Services Directory.

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