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Muxlow promoted to National Sales Manager

Kai Muxlow has been promoted to National Sales Manager, Guardian News and Media.

Kai (pictured) will be responsible for all retail sales including national accounts and the independent sector, field sales activity and the wholesale compliance team. Muxlow will report to Richard Furness, Head of Production Sales.

Bob Steadman, Director of Production, Distribution and Sales said: "Kai has made an impressive contribution to the success of GNM's sales operation and he will build on this success in his new role.”

Kai Muxlow joined GNM in August 1997 as a Circulation Area Manager for North London. During this period he worked on initiatives to drive sale through independent retail newsagents. In January 2001 he was promoted to Regional Manager for London, managing a team of wholesale and retail territory managers. In October 2004 he moved into the role of National Field Sales Manager where he managed the entire UK-wide field sales operation covering wholesale, retail and special events such as Glastonbury and the Edinburgh Festival. He takes up his new post on the 1 August.