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My March/April takeaways

The March / April issue of InPublishing magazine was published a couple of weeks ago. Editor James Evelegh highlights some of the takeaways from the issue.

By James Evelegh

My March/April takeaways

And now for something completely different. I’m not going to mention the you-know-what once, but instead pick out some of the themes from the latest issue of InPublishing magazine.

We now do a digital as well as a print edition and all the links below take you there.

  1. Best to be “data informed”, not “data led”, new Sunday Times editor Emma Tucker tells Ray Snoddy.
  2. It’s looking likely that paper wrap will become the industry standard (Dickon Ross).
  3. There are 15-23m active gardeners in the UK. With a current ABC of 170k, this spells potential, says BBC Gardeners' World editor Lucy Hall.
  4. We should all forget about Harry and Meghan and write about stuff that really matters, like business (Jon Griffin).
  5. Why are you making your journalists jump through hoops to create content? Let’s make their jobs easier, says Glide Publishing Platform’s Richard Fairbairn (sponsored).
  6. A Dinky toy Ford Anglia is worth £75! (Alan Geere’s spotlight on collecting mags).
  7. Is speed a virtue? Are we serving the public best by being first out of the blocks with every news story? Tortoise Media’s Merope Mills thinks not.
  8. AI will help alleviate some of the most boring publishing tasks (Rebekah Billingsley).
  9. There is a significant but under-utilised resource owned by us and sitting on our doorsteps eager to do more – supplier profile of NLA media access (sponsored).
  10. The route to digital revenue growth lies in providing high quality inventory and highly qualified leads (Duncan Tickell).
  11. 25 years ago, female events professionals used to hold pre-event briefings on how to say ‘no’ to men who thought they were part of the entertainment (Simone Broadhurst).
  12. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" The Press is not so good at self-examination (Liz Gerard).
  13. “Seeing [Helen’s Law] enter the statute books will be the proudest moment of my 30-year career as a journalist,” said the Mirror’s Fiona Duffy (quoted by Jon Slattery).
  14. Publishers are eschewing the “shiny new things” when allocating resources (Jim Bilton).
  15. For best-selling author Lee Child, meeting Aston Villa’s Gordon Cowans was one of the highlights of his career (Dan Harrison).

This nightmare will end, and, hopefully, the above will give you some food for thought for when life returns to normal.

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