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My Nov/Dec takeaways

The November / December issue of InPublishing magazine has just been published. James Evelegh lists eight key takeaways from the issue.

By James Evelegh

My Nov/Dec takeaways

If you’re on our mailing list, you’ll have received the Nov/Dec issue of InPublishing this week.

Here are eight takeaways from the issue:

  1. If you’ve got a winning formula, take care before you deviate from it. Meredith in the US could do no wrong. Sensible, methodical, successful. And then they bought Time Inc… (Article by Karlene Lukovitz)
  2. Plan for long term sustainable growth. We all like a successful campaign, but was that great response driven by an over-generous give away or a rock-bottom price? If so, you’ll struggle to renew them on sensible terms. Target core prospects and don’t under-value your product. (Meg Carter interviewing LRB’s Reneé Doegar)
  3. Premium intelligence products: there are no quick wins. Success can be highly lucrative, but it takes sustained long term planning and investment. (Carolyn Morgan)
  4. Email is dead, long live email! The humble e-newsletter is as old as the digital hills, but in the current cacophony of online noise and fakery, the targeted dedicated email newsletter that drops into your inbox, is demonstrating its worth anew. (Peter Houston)
  5. LTV is the beginning, middle and end of subs marketing: for long term subs growth, the team at The Week base all their activities and decisions on lifetime value calculations. (Abi Spooner)
  6. Clickbait is the root of all evil. If pageviews are the primary determinant of what to publish, then your future as a newspaper is in jeopardy. (Jon Griffin)
  7. Why is a print magazine like a vinyl record? They both make better Christmas presents than downloads. (Dickon Ross)
  8. Employ good tech people: pay them well, put them on six-month retainers, and keep a place on the board for one of them. (Supplier profile (sponsored) of Affino)