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My Nov/Dec takeaways

James Evelegh picks out some of the highlights from the recently published November / December issue of InPublishing magazine.

By James Evelegh

My Nov/Dec takeaways

The November / December issue of InPublishing magazine was mailed out last week. Here are some of the takeaways and highlights (all the links are to our digital edition):

1. The FT approach: create hubs with dedicated editors to cope with important stories. (Ray Snoddy interviews FT editor Roula Khalaf)

2. “When you look at media teams in the UK, they are still filled predominantly by a certain demographic.” (Marie Claire’s Andrea Thompson on the need for greater inclusivity)

3. Alan Geere shines his spotlight on the sector of the moment – science magazines.

4. “Giving a platform to a fringe minority just for balance leads to a ‘false equivalence’.” (Dickon Ross on editorial choices)

5. “There’s a huge opportunity for premium quality content, now more than ever.” (Chemical Watch’s Richard Butterworth points the way for B2B)

6. “Covid-19 is a wake-up call to our world-in-crisis; it must be recognised and reported in such terms.” (Prof Simon Cottle throws down the gauntlet to journalists)

7. “Be bold about content pricing as it’s an uphill climb from a too low price point.” (Sage subs advice from The Lawyer’s Andy Baker)

8. “We’re quite different from other Christian magazines as we don’t just talk about churchy things.” (Premier Christianity editor Sam Hailes)

9. “RIP to the magazine model that relied on deep knowledge and passion to collectively serve millions of enthusiasts for decades.” (Karlene Lukovitz laments venerable magazine brands falling into the wrong hands)

10. “We want adults that understand what makes the world tick.” (First News’ Nicky Cox makes the case for giving children the news)

11. “Nothing will get you a slew of angry emails faster than some broad England-centric generalisation in a question or answer.” (The Guardian’s Martin Belam on quiz dos and don’ts)

12. “The first thing we have to do is reassure the staff and try and empower them.” (Mark Allen’s approach to new acquisitions)

13. “People can confuse the process of cost control with reduction in quality.” (Tim Robinson on JPI Media’s centralised approach)

14. “Since when does the Lamestream Media call who our next president will be?” (Who could possibly have said that? Jon Slattery picks his media quotes of the year)

15. “There is a growing concern that many things are being lost in the endless stream of virtual meetings.” (Jim Bilton’s latest tranche of Media Futures research suggests WFH isn’t all good…)

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Finally, this is our last newsletter of the year, because this time next Thursday, I’ll be fulfilling my sous chef responsibilities in the Evelegh family kitchen. In the meantime, I hope you have a very restful Christmas break and a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021.