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My Sep/Oct takeaways

The September / October issue of InPublishing magazine has just been published. James Evelegh lists six key takeaways from this issue.

By James Evelegh

My Sep/Oct takeaways

The September / October issue of InPublishing magazine was sent out this week. I hope you’re enjoying it.

For me, reading the issue, six things stood out:

  1. Journalists needs to get out more: deskwork should never replace newsgathering on the ground. Reporting based on the old-fashioned values of shoe-leather and talking to people still generates the best stories.
  2. We need to foster a culture that genuinely respects the customer: publishers all say they respect their customers, but how many of us still persist with charging our long-term loyal subscribers more than our new ones?
  3. AI is a good thing, but publishers are being slow off the mark in adopting it: those publishers that have tried it, say that it saves them time, improves their journalism and enhances the relationship with their customers.
  4. Data is important, but so is gut instinct: according to Empire’s Terri White, instinct is what most good editors are driven by. If it was just down to data, she says, then everyone could be a good editor.
  5. B2B marketing needs to get more emotional: one person quoted in this issue describes most B2B marketing as “universally ugly, boring and utterly meaningless”. When marketing to B2B audiences, we need to remember that people don’t become any less human when they’re at work.
  6. Some of the press are not doing their job of holding power to account: Boris Johnson, our new PM, is getting too easy a ride from some sections of the press. They are not fact-checking or asking the tough questions.

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