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My wish list for the 20s

The end of the decade is upon us. What are your hopes for the twenties? James Evelegh has five wishes…

By James Evelegh

My wish list for the 20s

I remember as a teenager thinking that the end of a decade (the 70s in this case) was a momentous event. As we approach the end of the twenty-tens, I’m barely aware of it.

Perhaps, the mega-hoopla that accompanied the end of the millennium has put mere decade ends in the shade.

At least, come January, we’ll be in a decade that is easy to refer to. Personally, I never felt entirely comfortable with the ‘noughties’ and ‘tens’. For the next 80 years, we’ll have easier nicknames for the decade we’re in.

By the end of the next decade, my hope is that:

  1. Every adult will have a digital subscription to a news provider. Trusted news will be seen as an essential staple, with a news sub as commonplace as a music or films sub.
  2. Social media will be properly regulated, which will improve the nation’s health and lead to a more equitable distribution of ad dollars.
  3. Screen time will come down to socially acceptable levels. We have become a nation of scrollers, tappers and swipers. Gazing blankly at our smartphone has become our default posture. By 2030, we’ll have rediscovered life away from the screen.
  4. The regionals will rediscover their mojo, by focusing on quality independent writing, trustworthy reporting, can’t-get-elsewhere content and by acting as a reliable hub for their community.
  5. The new-ish breed of digital-only magazine brands will have come of age, achieving the same credibility, market stature and profitability as the print mega brands of old.

I don’t feel any of that is out of the question and we’d all be a lot better off if it comes to pass.

On that note, and before I go and grab another mince pie, I’d like to wish you a very restful Christmas break and a happy, healthy and prosperous decade ahead.