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NBC News Launches THINK

THINK is a new, digital vertical from NBC News providing thoughtful commentary and opinion stories and video to audiences on the NBCNews website.

It will endeavour to help readers reinterpret and re-evaluate the world and their place in it, with pieces from a racially, geographically and ideologically diverse group of contributors. As the new home for fresh opinion, sharp analysis and powerful essays, THINK will help readers think deeply and perhaps differently about the news, but not tell them how to think about any one issue, say the publishers.

THINK aims to publish between two and three stories per day, as well as two or three videos each week for the vertical. The videos, like the written pieces, will be conceived and edited with the goal of providing readers with context and clarity on the most pressing topics and news of the day. THINK will also be launching a weekly newsletter.

Contributors to THINK will help make sense of the most important questions and news stories of our time. Whether talking about driving while black, the wage gap, the latest Supreme Court oral argument, gender representation in pop culture or free speech, THINK intends to push the conversation forward, not simply add to the noise.

Some of the first contributors will include Tom Brokaw, Mika Brzezinski, Jamie Dimon, Jane Goodall, John Legend, Senator Mitch McConnell, Evan McMullin, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Grover Norquist, Senators Rand Paul and Ron Wyden, Dan Rather, Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Nicolle Wallace and Randi Weingarten.

Meredith Bennett-Smith and Megan Carpentier will edit the vertical.

“THINK promises to be transparent, factual and interesting,” said Nick Ascheim, SVP of digital at NBC News. “This won’t be just another run-of-the-mill op-ed. We will be convening contributors from across the political, cultural and geographical spectrum to offer vital context on topics that impact our viewers and readers.”

Links / further reading: THINK