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New Client Wins for ATG Media

ATG Media, the Peterborough based company providing magazine editorial design and advertising production services to publishers, has announced a number of new clients.

New Client Wins for ATG Media

ATG Media is now working with Interflora UK on their quarterly magazine, Mercury, as from January 2019. ATG have re-designed the layout and format, aligning with their new brand guidelines.

ATG are also relaunching and producing Installer magazine, a leading trade title, as a new bi-monthly and have also taken on the design of four magazine titles and a series of bookazines for Mortons Media Group in Horncastle.

Rob Tipping, Managing Director of ATG Media says: “We are very pleased to be working with these recognised brands in the consumer and B2B sectors. They are great magazines and very different and fit well into the existing portfolio.”

Mike Barnes, Media Consultant says “We are getting quite a lot of interest in out-sourced design in the run-up to and since the Christmas break. That could be the effect of our new channels of marketing the business or just a Brexit effect as everyone looks for efficiencies when everything is uncertain.”