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New DC Comic Collection

The Blackest Night Collection is a new figurine and magazine series, from Eaglemoss, expanding upon the award winning DC Comics Super Hero Collection.

According to distributors COMAG: “Aimed at fans of DC Comics and in particular the Green Lantern universe within, DC Comics Collection - Blackest Night will focus on DC Comics’ 2010 super event – the critically acclaimed Blackest Night and lead in to the current blockbuster event Brightest Day.

Each figurine will be a highly detailed replica of the character from the Blackest Night at approximately 1:21 scale in a classic standing pose from the comic series.

As well as the figurine, every issue of DC Comics Collection - Blackest Night will carry a 16-page magazine packed full of information on the featured character – plus their friends, enemies and much, much more!

The collection will initially focus on the Blackest Night story with the first eight figurines mirroring the eight Lantern Corps before a second series featuring the eight characters from Brightest Day.

Not only will DC Comics Collection - Blackest Night be supported by flyers in the regular DC Comics Super Hero Collection and The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection, but it will also be fully SoR throughout the series.”