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New Editor for Guardian Weekly

Abby Deveney has been announced as the new editor of Guardian Weekly, replacing Natalie Bennett who has edited the weekly paper for the past five years.

Abby, who was previously Guardian Weekly’s deputy editor - a position she held for four years - said: “I'm delighted to be taking over as editor of the Guardian Weekly, with a proud 92-year history and loyal readers in more than 150 countries. We’ll continue to showcase the very best of the Guardian, from ground-breaking investigative journalism, deep analysis and thoughtful comment to its unique take on the lighter side of life. Readers are at the heart of what we do and I look forward to a lively and engaging conversation with them as we improve and expand our Weekly offering, both in print and digitally."

Natalie Bennett said: “It has been a great privilege to edit Guardian Weekly over the past five years, to have the chance to shape the coverage for an astonishingly knowledgeable and deeply caring readership. After a quarter of a century as a journalist, I’m increasingly finding that I’d like to try to change the news, rather than report it, so my future lies in writing and politics, but I’m delighted to be leaving the Weekly in such good hands.”

Abby Deveney is a journalist who has lived and worked in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, the US and Canada in her more than 20-year reporting and editing career. She has written for national newspapers, managed editing operations for financial newswires, and developed feature coverage for an award-winning website. Both British and Canadian, she graduated from Carleton University's School of Journalism in Ottawa with honours. She has been deputy editor of the Guardian Weekly for about four years.

The Guardian Weekly launched on the 4 July 1919 to coincide with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. At such a turbulent time in European history the weekly's intention was to create greater international understanding – an aim it continues to this day.

Guardian Weekly is available in the UK and worldwide through subscriptions via