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New Look for NFRN Website

The NFRN’s website has been given a dramatic overhaul with a vibrant new look, exciting new content and simpler navigation.

According to the NFRN: Updated regularly, the site contains unrivalled information including breaking NFRN and industry news, advice on employment and legislation, latest business partner deals and details of the NFRN’s political activity.

All these  can be found under eight headings – News and Magazines, Latest Deals, My Shop, Upcoming Events, Latest News, Public Affairs, Media and About NFRN.

Navigation has been improved to make sure visitors can get the most out of the information available and there is more opportunity than ever for visitors to interact, by commenting on individual articles, enquiring online about new member deals and watching videos on delivering newspapers safely, the 2011 NFRN Award winners and the launch of our public affairs agenda for 2012.

National President Kieran McDonnell and NFRN staff will write regular blogs.

Meanwhile exclusive member-only content includes merchandising advice, new ways to develop your news and magazines business and district and branch news.

Unveiling the new site NFRN Marketing Director Graeme Collins said: “We believe that is now an even more powerful resource for NFRN members, helping them plan and implement successful solutions to the problems and opportunities that they face.

“With its modern, simple look it is bright and user friendly and will provide an invaluable service to any NFRN member.”